About Me

Discussing Energy Options Hello, my name is Steven Willard. Welcome to my website about power options for your home. When I received my energy bill, I was astounded at how much I was paying each month. I knew that my bill would go up in the winter, so I decided to see what options could offset my expenses. I invited in a solar energy grid for my home to produce energy for free. My home produces so much energy that I am able to feed the excess back into the grid for a discount. On my site, I would like to talk to you all about the energy options available to you in your area. Thanks.




Navigating the Solar Power Shift: Key Considerations Before Going Solar

Solar power is rapidly becoming a popular alternative energy source, with more and more individuals and businesses looking to install solar panels on their properties. However, before making the decision to go solar, several important considerations should be taken into account. This post will discuss some of the key factors to consider when planning for a solar installation.

Location and Orientation

The location and orientation of a property are crucial factors in determining the effectiveness of a solar installation. Ideally, solar panels should be installed on a roof or area that receives ample sunlight throughout the day. Trees, buildings, and other obstructions can significantly reduce the amount of sunlight that reaches the panels, resulting in decreased energy production. It is important to assess the property and determine if there are any potential shading issues before installing solar panels. Additionally, the orientation of the panels should be optimized for maximum sunlight exposure.

Roof Condition

Another factor to consider is the condition of the roof where the solar panels will be installed. If the roof needs repairs or replacement, it is best to do so before installing solar panels to avoid any potential damage or added costs down the line.

Energy Usage and Needs

Before investing in a solar installation, it is crucial to evaluate your energy usage and needs. This will help determine the size of the solar system required and whether or not it will be able to meet your energy needs. Factors such as the number of household members, appliances used, and peak energy usage times should all be taken into consideration when determining the appropriate size for a solar installation.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Solar panels are generally low maintenance, with the occasional cleaning and inspection needed to ensure optimal performance. However, it is important to consider the ongoing maintenance and upkeep costs when budgeting for a solar installation. Additionally, it may be necessary to have a professional come out periodically for inspections or repairs, which should also be factored into the overall costs.

Environmental Impact

One of the main reasons individuals and businesses choose to install solar panels is for their positive impact on the environment. Solar energy is renewable and produces no harmful emissions, making it a clean and sustainable energy source. By going solar, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more environmentally friendly future.

In conclusion, there are several key considerations to keep in mind when planning for a solar installation. By taking these factors into account, you can ensure a successful and efficient solar installation that will benefit both your wallet and the planet.

Contact a company like Olson Solar Energy to learn more. 
